242 Tiny Windows XP+ GUI
Programs - 10kb And Less

Yeah, I know you just want to get to the downloads (especially if you're a smartphone user and have the attention span of a 2 year old), but first things first.

Some housekeeping.

There are 8 pages linked to this one.

I split the 242 programs up into 7 major groups, with each group containing around 30-40 programs (arranged in functional sub-groups) as documenting 242 programs on one page was a dog's breakfast.

The first 7 pages each have:

# Details of each program in an embedded image format (as I'm HTML illiterate):

The details I've included for each program are:

  * Program size in kb - the file size of the executable
  * Year created - either from included documentation / the author's web site / the exe file / my best guess
    Note the exe file date is not always an accurate indication as in the early days when zips were not common
    and the exe file was unzipped, the date (created) will be the date it was downloaded. Dates on exe files in a
    zip are accurate though as only the zip file date would be changed on download
  * Program name - either from included documentation / the GUI name / the exe name / provided by me
  * Author's name (if known)
  * Brief program description - either from included documentation, or if none, provided by me
  * My (very) brief comment on each one
  * URL link to author's site - some still exist but many of these now exist only on the Internet Archive (IA) or
    not at all (some authors didn't seem to trust the IA in the early days and excluded their site from the IA)
    The IA prefix to the URL indicates the site is only available now on the Internet Archive
    For most of these sites, choose a site capture of around 2004 - later captures are typically domain squatters
  * Zip file name in the download - many early downloads were .exe only and I've zipped them to reduce space
  * An indicator in the XP ? column for program dependencies - * means a dependency of some kind

# Screenshots of each program in embedded image format (except for programs that don't display a GUI)

# 1 file for download - this file contains 4 files:

    * A zip file with all the programs in the group

    * A pdf document with details of all programs in the group (which mirrors the program details on the page)
      The URL links in the pdf document are copyable but not clickable
    * A pdf document with screenshots of all programs in the group (which mirrors the screenshots on the page)
      (for those programs that don't display a GUI there's a note for each)
    * A pdf document that summarises all of the 242 programs available by group

The last page has a summary of all 242 programs and 1 file for download -
this file contains 5 files:

  * A zip file with all the 242 programs (in groups)
    * A pdf document with details of all programs (URL links in the pdf document are copyable but not clickable)
    * A pdf document that summarises all of the 242 programs available by group 
    * A pdf document with screenshots of all 242 programs   
    * And just for SnGs, a 1.44mb floppy image (IMA format) with a 7z file of all 242 programs and a summary
      document - simply because it amuses me to put 242 GUI programs onto a floppy image.

And a final comment:

All of the programs here have been created by enthusiastic amateurs ~20+ years ago, so all credit to them for their work and for making their work freely available for others to enjoy.

I've tried to identify the developer of each program but unfortunately some are now lost in time.

There are some most excellent small Windows programs in the collection - thank you everyone.

Download and enjoy.

Kind regards,

Program Details, Documentation and Downloads:

Click any link below to go to a group category page.

  * Group A - Web Browsers, Text, Image, Media Players        43 programs . . . . . click here.

  * Group B - Utilities File and Disk, Network, Servers              44 programs . . . . . click here.

  * Group C - Utilities Windows, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard    34 programs . . . . . click here.

  * Group D - Utilities Clocks, Calculators, Converters              34 programs . . . . . click here.

  * Group E - Utilities Shutdown, Restart, Logoff, Task             28 programs . . . . . click here.

  * Group F - Utilities System (a very mixed bag)                     36 programs . . . . . click here.

  * Group G - Miscellaneous (a very quirky mix)                      23 programs . . . . . click here.

  * And for the complete box'n'dice
, aka the whole shabang, 242 programs . . . . . click here.

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Updated  23 November 2023  
© Shotter_Nail